Lift Station Repair, Summerfield, FL

Our lift station repair services include going over maintenance options, so your Summerfield, FL home or business never has to worry about a malfunctioning lift station again.

Lift Station Repair in Summerfield, FloridaWhen a lift station stops working properly, unsanitary conditions can ensue. In a matter of minutes, people can end up with serious sewage problems on their hands. Fortunately, our team at Marion Pumper is available for all your lift station repair needs.

Reasons for Lift Station Failure

The first thing we do is assess the reason the lift station failed. That helps us choose the right lift station repair option for your needs. It could be something as simple as a stuck valve, ranging all the way up to a complete motor failure. We run all of the necessary diagnostic tests, so the repair process goes as quickly as possible. We do not waste time with fixes that won’t work; we go after the problem immediately. Every minute counts when a lift station is malfunctioning, so this is critical. You simply do not have the time to wait for someone to try different fixes that do not work.

Avoid Lift Station Problems in the Future

Once our team finishes your lift station repair, we can go over remote monitoring options to ensure that you never run into a serious problem with your lift station again. This will save you a major headache, along with the sanitary problems that come with sewage water.

Your septic system cannot push water up on its own. When left to its own devices, water flows downhill, and it will do just that if your lift station isn’t working. Contact us today and see why we are the lift station repair company of choice in the Summerfield, FL area.


At Marion Pumper, we offer lift station repair to our customers in SummerfieldBelleview, Ocala, and other nearby surrounding areas of Florida