What You Need to Know About Septic Pump-Outs

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Our team at Marion Pumper has plenty of experience in the septic industry, and we are ready to help you keep your septic system in good working order. In our experience, septic systems can take some getting used to if you have moved to a home that uses one for the first time. However, septic systems and maintenance are less intimidating than they seem, especially when you have experts like us to explain them to you. In this article, our team will go over everything you need to know about septic pump-outs.

What You Need to Know About Septic Pump-Outs

  • What is a septic pump-out? – Septic pump-outs are just what they sound like—a way to remove accumulated sludge from the septic tank via a vacuum hose and pump. When it’s time to clean out your septic tank, our team will come with our tanker truck and suck everything up and out with a vacuum mechanism. We’ll then take the contents of the tank to a sewage treatment facility for disposal.
  • How often do I need to schedule septic pump-outs? – How often you should schedule septic pump-outs depends on the size of your tank and the size of your household. A small tank will need to be emptied more frequently than a large one, and a household of many people will require this service more often than a household of just one or two. You can expect to need septic pump-outs once every two to five years, but our team can also give you a more specific answer based on your tank.

Caring for your septic system is easier when you have a skilled team to depend on. Reach out today to learn more or to inquire about scheduling any of our services, including pump-outs.