To keep your septic system in top condition, it is important that you recognize problems as soon as they appear, so you can avoid costly repairs in the future. Regardless of the age of your septic system, having the knowledge of what to watch for is imperative if you want to avoid having serious problems later. One of the most important aspects to pay attention to is how well your septic system is draining. If you have drainage problems, chances are that there is a larger problem forming, which if not remedied now, will end up costing you more money and potentially threatening your health.
Drainage problems can be easily recognized if you know which signs to look for. Some of these signs are found indoors, and some are found outdoors. For example, if you arrive home and notice that you have spots that are sagging in your yard, areas where the water is pooling, or foul odors, chances are that your drain field is failing. Some indoor drainage problems that signal septic system troubles include:
- Toilets that don’t flush or are slow to flush
- Showers and sinks that are slow to drain or have sewage backups
- Gurgling drainpipes
- Nasty odors
If your septic system is malfunctioning and bacteria are leaching into your drinking water, you and your family could end up ill. That’s why, when you notice any drainage problems, you need to have your septic system checked as soon as possible. The most common reasons why these occur include a clogged septic line or a septic tank that is overly full. Regardless of the cause, if drainage problems are left untreated, you could be handed a costly repair and an unhealthy family.
Call on us at Marion Pumper at the first signs of drainage problems. We have the knowledge, experience and expertise necessary to take care of the problem and get your septic system functioning efficiently once more. We’ll take care of the job correctly and ASAP!