Three Things New Homeowners Need to Know About their Septic Systems

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When you are buying a new home, you will likely be given a brief history about the home. When was it built? How many times has it been sold? You may even learn of previous renovations or problems that have been fixed. When that home has a septic system, you’ll want to gather a little more information.

To avoid problems with septic systems

  1. When was the system last pumped? Septic systems need to be pumped every three to five years. This can vary based on many factors, such as the number of people using the system. If you can’t find out from the previous owner when the system was last pumped, call us at Marion Pumper for an inspection. We’ll help you know when you should pump along with other helpful septic maintenance tips.
  2. Where is your drain field? A drain field is a critical part of your septic system. It’s important to know where your drain field is so that you can be aware of issues in that area and avoid driving vehicles or heavy machinery over it. Your drain field is usually 10 to 20 feet from your septic tank in a downward sloping direction. If you need extra help, call our team at Marion Pumper. We’ll gladly come and show you all the important parts of your septic system.
  3. Septic Maintenance –To avoid problems with septic systems, new homeowners should learn what can and can’t be flushed down the toilet and key signs of septic problems. You should also set up a schedule to have your system inspected once every year. Our team at Marion Pumper can help you with all of this.

Here at Marion Pumper, we are dedicated to helping our customers with their septic systems. Call us today.

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